Equipment and Techniques
Canham 45DLC with a variety of lenses from 58mm to 500mm
Hasselblad cameras with lenses from 40mm to 500mm
Nikon D850, Z8 and Z7II (converted to IR) with lenses from 14mm to 800mm
Gitzo tripods
Lowepro backpacks
Really Right Stuff ballhead with RRS quick releases for all cameras
Pentax spot meter
Photo Stacking Mount
Cognisys StackShot and/or RRS macro focusing slide
Astrophotography Mount
Ioptron Skyguider Pro and Move-Shoot-Move NOMAD
Filters: For B&W film often uses one or more of the following:
polarizer, # 15 yellow, # 21 orange, #25 red, #29 red, # 58 green
Film: primarily Kodak 100Tmax
Film Developer: Kodak XTOL
Scanner: Epson V750
Darkroom enlarger: Beseler 45V-XL with Univeral 45 head

Zone-6 4x5 with multicontrast head
Inkjet printer: Epson 7570
Prints: All silver gelatin prints are on fiber-based, heavy weight, multigrade paper and archivally processed and toned with selenium for increased D-max and permanence. All inkjet prints are printed with Epson Ultrachrome K3 ink on museum quality, 100% cotton rag paper or canvas.